Today we release the first beta version of our application to view and analyze point clouds in Virtual Reality. We have named the application PointCloud XR and you can read more about the development and download PointCloud XR. Please add a comment on our Facebook page about your thoughts after you have tried it!
In the current version (2018-12-14) you can do the following:
- Open points in LAS 1.2 format.
- Depending on your hardware you can open about 15 million points and move around fluently.
- You can “fly” around in the point cloud using your hand controller.
- Change the size of the points.
- Color the points by RGB, Class, Height or Intensity. The intensity can alway be blended with either of the other coloring modes.
- Measure distance. You can snap to points and restrict measurement in y-direction or in the xz-plane.
- Select points using a sphere. The selected points can the be removed.
- Save the edited point cloud in PCXR-format. LAS exporter is not implemented yet but we are working on that.
- Set a new start position. This will only work with a file saved in PCXR-format.
- Change the throttle (how fast you are flying when you press the trigger).

Here is a clip when a few students try an earlier version of the application.